Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Eating in bed

It's my dirty secret, eating in bed.  I love it.  I think it's some sort of regression, back to my teenage years, when I would lay in bed in the morning and pretend to be sick.  Then after my mom went to work (sorry mommy!), I would pull out my secret stash of yodels, turn on the Howard Stern show, and revel in my comfort.  I loved that feeling, of not being at school, eating chocolate, and listening to the sometimes slightly scandelous Stern.

I am such a hypocrite.  Here I am with my plate of meatloaf mush and pureed cauliflower, which is pretending to be mashed potatoes, sitting right next to me on the new comforter.   Yes, the new one!  If anyone else in my household so much as thought of eating a crumb in their beds, (unless they have a bad sickness,)  they know there will be hell to pay.  Hell, in this house, you can't even get away with not sitting down at the table for snacks.  No living room eating, no standing up eating, no floor eating, no no no.

Maybe that's why, when I found my 11 year old's secret candy drawer, I pretended not to know about it.
Life is full of contradictions.

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