Thursday, April 12, 2012

Annoying bedtime facts

He is silent, brow furrowed in worried concentration, holding up The Book 3 inches from his eyeballs as he reads it in bed.  I am trying to enjoy my mindless game of online backgammon, the only time in my day when I can enjoy mindlessness, as nobody (i.e. Children) are asking me relentless mundane factual questions about the nature of the number Pi, or informing me about the different levels of minecraft (online video game) because I really really really need to know these things.  No.  They are asleep, and nobody is bothering me, and my mind is at rest, joyfully scanning those little computer circles.

Uh oh.  He turns his head to me.  Silence.  Intake of breath.  "You know....."
Already, I hate the damn Book.

"Animal fat can cause breast cancer."

"I hate you, don't ruin my backgammon game," I think silently.  "Hmmm," I say instead.

And three more factoids like that fly at me, as I am trying to relax.

"You really should read this book, you know."

Until finally I lose it, and start quoting my own damn facts, and point and gesture to the whole shelf of books that I have read over the past 7 years about my whole entire eating philosophy.  By then, he remembers that it is not a good thing to do, to interrupt my sacred end of day quiet time.  Too late, I am tense and hyperventilating, not at all relaxed, and we are about to get into a big fight.  He backs off, but the effect remains, and it takes me another 45 minutes to calm down enough to go to sleep for the night.

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